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In a compelling interview conducted by Roxana Acotto for Economix, Mariano Mayer, former Secretary of Entrepreneurs and SMEs of the Nation and current co-founder of Newtopia VC, shared his perspectives on the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The interview took place within the context of the event organized by the Decanate of Legal Sciences at the Universidad Siglo 21, titled «Artificial Intelligence: Crisis or Revolution?»

The Transformative Power of Artificial Intelligence

Democratizing Access to AI Tools

During the conversation, Mayer shed light on the rapid advancements and potential concerns surrounding AI and its impact on the labor market.

Recognizing the fears associated with the displacement of workers, Mayer explained that recent AI developments have not only facilitated access to these tools but have also democratized their usage.

He emphasized how AI, particularly in natural language processing, allows for seamless interactions and the retrieval of comprehensive and refined information, saving significant time and effort.

«The introduction of tools like GPT-3 and GPT-4 by OpenAI, as well as similar offerings by Google and Microsoft, has popularized and democratized the access to these powerful AI tools,» Mayer stated.

Enhancing Productivity with AI

Highlighting the need to retrain workers and provide them with access to training, Mayer underscored the importance of optimizing productivity and focusing on value-added activities.

«One often spends inefficient and unproductive time searching for information. In one’s work, the process of searching, processing, and delivering tasks can be significantly enhanced with the help of Artificial Intelligence. It can minimize time wasted on unproductive tasks» Mariano Mayer.

Collaborative Efforts for AI Regulation

The debate on AI regulation has been a topic of discussion in various countries, some of which have opted to ban it.

«These tasks often require a collaborative effort between the public and private sectors. However, it requires careful consideration and allocation of resources,» Mayer emphasized.

Importance of Training and Education

However, Mayer emphasized that beyond regulation, access to training and education is crucial. He stressed the importance of facilitating access to training not only for those entering the education system but also for those already in the workforce who need to retrain to adapt to technological changes.


«I believe it is essential to disseminate, explain, and familiarize oneself with AI. We need to understand that it is here to stay, already present in schools and workplaces. We must pay close attention to individuals who need to retrain,» Mariano Mayer.

Addressing Apprehensions and Bridging the Digital Divide

Addressing the apprehensions surrounding AI, Mayer acknowledged that technological advancements throughout history have often sparked concerns. He acknowledged the fear of massive job displacement due to rapid automation and the potential implications for privacy, ethical considerations, and discrimination.

However, he urged for increased awareness and understanding, emphasizing the importance of disseminating information and providing training opportunities to bridge the digital divide.

Newtopia VC: Investing in Early Stage Tech Startups

Furthermore, Mayer shared insights into Newtopia VC, which he co-founded with a group of successful entrepreneurs, including Juan Pablo Lafosse and Pato Jutard. Newtopia VC serves as a platform for investing in early-stage technological projects, offering not only financial support but also mentorship, workshops, and inspiring talks.

«Our fund operates as a thriving community of successful entrepreneurs such as Marcos Galperin and Martín Migoya. They want to give back and assist those starting their journeys by sharing their experiences to help them progress with their projects,»

Creating a Thriving Community of Founders

With investments in approximately 60 ventures, spanning Argentina and other Latin American countries, Mayer highlighted the formation of a valuable community of founders.

«We have created a vibrant community of founders. Our fund invests in ventures throughout Latin America, including Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, and Uruguay,» Mayer mentioned.